Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kai the Great Brain

Kai is getting ready to do his Great Brain project. He chose to do it on SHARKS! We made 2 of things that he already knows and one of things that he wants to learn about.
The list was GIANT about the things that he already knows and equally long of things that he wants to learn. One of the things that he already knows is that sharks are hatched out of eggs! I didnt know that! . He also already knew why when sharks come out of water, thier eyes turn a color. It is a protection. We then decided to learn more about them by watching videos on youtube. We watched BBC and Discovery segments on Great Whites. It was nerve racking for me. I hate those things! My stomach was so nervous the whole time I was watching. Kai kept laughing at me because I am SUCH a wimp.

It ended up that we started watching Shark Attacks. It was CRAZY!!!! Mostly it was on seals and then there was a Killer Whale and Great White fight. Kai and I were betting who would win. He won when we saw Shamu swimming away with a big chunk of Great White in his mouth. Kai was in heaven through this whole thing. By the end of it all, I had the most nervous stomach ever. I seriously hate sharks more than ANYTHING. So much for making peace with the Ocean. Oh my gosh...scary stuff.

Back to his report...I had Kai look up the questions in google...he did a pretty good job of reading through stuff to find the answers. I was so proud of him. It's his first research paper and it will be a fine one at that!
He called Kerry and asked him to help him with some of it, there are still lots of questions that Kai wants answered about Sharks. He and Kerry should have a good time looking up those answers. He presents it to his class on 05/16 at 1:30. He is getting so excited and nervous about it. He asks and worrys about it all the time...since he has no concept of time or days, he wakes up everyday nervous that today is the day for his project and it isnt done. I tell him...Dude, if you would learn what 2 weeks meant then you wouldnt have to worry. Then he says, "Is that the same as 2 days, 2 years, 2 minutes? How long is 2 weeks!!" Oh boy. I'll keep you posted on his progress!

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