Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kai IS a Great Brain!

I couldnt have been more proud of this boy! He worked so hard getting all the facts that he could about Sharks and then putting it into a report. He read his report perfectly for the class. He even pointed out the different sharks as he talked about them. At the end of the report, he asked the questions for the class that he and I had come up with. We only had 3 prepared...but apparently I missed the memo that says that you needed 10. Kai had it all under control though...he came up with great questions about his report for the class. He made them up as he went and then gave them 3 choices for the answers. One of the questions he asked was, "What does a cookie cutter shark eat?" He wouldn't accept anything except the perfect answer. He was brilliant! I honestly was so dang impressed with him. He was so confident and handled the whole thing marvelously!

Next time you see Kai, ask him what the skin is called on the shark...he'll tell ya!

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